Air Traffic Control and Airport Operation Coordination

Roger Nakata
Roger Nakata
60 Minutes
Product Id:
6 months

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Airport effectiveness is dependent on each airport entity’s participation and effectiveness at the airport. When information is not shared or understood by even one entity, it creates safety and efficiency issues at the airport. Whether you are an Airline, Airport Operations, Airport Manager, Air Traffic Control or any other entity on the airport, you must have a complete understanding of your requirements of the operations at the airport. You must have a good understanding of the needs and requirements of the other entities. Ignorance and misunderstandings compromises safety and decreases the efficiency at the airport.

This program will address the coordination needed between Airlines, Airport Operations and Air Traffic Control in these areas.

  • Safety enhancements - Coordination in reviewing current and future safety tools and procedures at the airport. Coordination of cross instruction between airport entities to improve safety. Understanding the operation in a "whole" instead of viewing and participating from an "airport entity" point of view.
  • Adapting to weather - Coordination of procedures and processes between airport entities during adverse weather conditions. Reviewing needs and requirements of each airport entity. Changing your procedures to accommodate the other airport entity needs.
  • Aircraft volume changes - Coordination between airport entities to accommodate adverse aircraft volume changes. Understanding needs of each airport entity and adapting procedures to assist their operations.
  • Emergencies- Reviewing needs and requirements of the other airport entities. Adapting procedures to accommodate laws and regulations. Understanding the binding requirements of the other airport entities and educating your own workforce in understanding and properly responding to emergency situations.
  • New Technology - Understanding the new technologies installed and planned for by each airport entity. Coordinating and educating the other airport entities on the effects, usage and requirements of the new technologies. Adapting other airport entities requirements and limitations into the new technology. Understanding FAA NextGen effects on the airport.
  • Traffic Flow Efficiency - Coordinating with the other airport entities to review current traffic flows and find ways to increase efficiency and operate as one entity.
  • Airport Maintenance - Identify areas of needs and requirements for maintaining and repairing airport equipment and tools. Cooperating in preplanning of large operations to reduce delays and maintain safety. Identify other entity’s needs and capabilities.
  • Modifications to Procedures and Tools - Coordinate with other airport entities on current procedures and tools to identify efficiency modifications needed to enhance operations and safety.
  • Special Events - Establish a coordination program to accommodate special events such as airshows, emergency exercises, VIP movements and other rarely seen events.
Examples and methods used worldwide will be will demonstrated. The effectiveness and the cooperation between these entities will be reviewed. Questions and answer session will follow the presentation.

Why should you Attend: Airports of all sizes exist for the primary reason of safely transitioning people to destinations across the world. The people, processes, and tools all must work in harmony in order accomplish this task. Little does the public know that this harmony does not exist at all Airports. The "people" or segmented airport entities (Airlines, Airport, and Air Traffic Control) rarely communicate or coordinate to reduce complications in the operation of the airport. The lack of coordination creates confusion, delays, and complications. The lack of coordination with new procedures and tools can create or hamper other operations on the Airport causing delays and safety issues. This instructional session will assist you in creating or enhancing the communications at your Airport between all airport entities. It will assist you in streamlining your operations and reducing delays.

Does your airport encounter any of these problems:
  • Delays due to Snow Removal, De-Ice, Runway Maintenance and other Airport Operational functions
  • Lack of protocol and organization when abnormal situations occur
  • Inconsistent flow of traffic or lacking equitable departure and arrival rates
  • Surprises- Not knowing what Airlines, Air Traffic Control or the Airport Operations has planned or implemented.
  • Not understanding new programs or tools implemented by Airlines, Airport Operations or Air Traffic Control
  • Encountering issues or obstacles in your operations because of new programs and tools implemented by Airlines, Airport Operations or Air Traffic Control.
  • Forced to participate in new processes and procedures but you do not understand the purpose or projected outcomes
  • New procedures creating hazards or safety problems which were not considered by the people whom created the new procedures
  • New procedures creating inefficiencies and delays
  • Security issues are compromised due to lack of understanding on all participants at the airport.
  • Emergency response information - confusion and delays due to lack of knowledge or misunderstandings between all participants at the airport.
If just one of these factors exists at your airport then you need to participate in this presentation. These factors and others will be presented by the lead instructor and then discussed between you and the other participants. The instructional session will be a two way educational presentation. Questions are encouraged.

Areas Covered in the Session:
  • Airport Operation Requirements
  • FAA Air Traffic Requirements
  • Airline Requirements
  • Successful Programs implemented
  • Coordination tools and programs
  • Coordination Techniques
  • Examples of successful Airport Operations

Who Will Benefit:
  • Domestic and International - Airport Managers
  • Airport Owners
  • Airport Operators
  • Airport Fixed Base Operators
  • Air Cargo
  • Airline Managers
  • Airline Dispatchers
  • Air Traffic Control Managers
  • Colleges and Universities offering Airport Management and Air Traffic Control

Speaker Profile
Roger Nakata has been working in the Air Traffic Control and Airport Management field since 1984. During the past 30 years, Mr. Nakata has managed the research, development, and implementation of several national aviation projects for the FAA. Mr. Nakata occupied many high level FAA facility management positions. He is the inventor of several new tools for pilots, airports and aircraft worldwide.

He has instructed internationally on aviation related materials. He has been instrumental in designing and redesigning airport layout plans. Many new enhancements to the Denver International Airport can be attributed to his fuel savings/efficiency modifications. He has and is currently assisting the Airports and Air Traffic Control Developments in China

International Airport and Air Control Consultants LLC (IAAC) is based in Denver, Colorado United States of America. IAAC members are specialized in Airport Operation Management, Air Traffic Control Management and Design, Airport Architecture Design, Technology Enhancements, Airline Efficiency, and Worldwide Localized Training.

The partners and members of our team have over 100 years of Airport Operations, Air Traffic Control, and International Marketing experience which spans the entire spectrum of Airports and Air Traffic Control facilities including commercial and business aviation. We have extensive management and operational experience at the largest airport in the United States (Denver International Airport - DIA).

The depth and breadth of this experience at DIA and other airports in the United States qualifies us as one of the most experienced Teams in the Aviation industry today. Our experience with Airlines has demonstrated our ability to promote collaboration and increase fuel efficiency. Our international marketing experience allows us the flexibility to conduct business in international markets

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